The ToxFMD Screened Chemistry® Library contains GreenScreen® chemical hazard assessments for almost 1000 chemicals

  • Sign up here. to gain assess to almost 200 publicly available Benchmark 1 GreenScreens®.
  • With a paid subscription to the ToxFMD Screened Chemistry® Library, you will have instant access to hundreds of Benchmark 2 through Benchmark 4 GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals assessments.
  • Search for chemicals by CAS #, chemical name, or functional class.

Contact us today with questions, to license specific GreenScreen assessments, or to schedule a Library demo and see how you can search for safer chemicals and avoid regrettable substitution!

The GreenScreen® Inspector tool is a free web-based tool developed by ToxServices to check your calculated GreenScreen Benchmark™ scores for three types of chemicals: organic chemicals, inorganic chemicals, and polymers. The tool is developed to be consistent with Clean Production Action’s GreenScreen® for Safer Chemicals Chemical Hazard Assessment Guidance version 1.4.

The Library also incorporates the ToxServices’s Tolerable Intake (TI) database. This database comprises hundreds of chemical- and chemical group-specific TIs designed to help you quickly and efficiently assess health risks of extractables and leachables from medical devices assessed against standards such as ISO 10993 – Biological Evaluation of Medical Devices, as well as extractables from container closure systems for drug products assessed under U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) chapters 661, 661.1 661.2, 1663, and 1664.